The blessed dome of the rock was built by the ummayad caliph Abd Al Malik Ibn Marwan in the year 65 Hijri 684 A.D. I ts construction began in the year 66 higri 685 A.D and was completed in the year 72 Higri 691 A.d.

 Islamic History Of Masjid AL Aqsa

Al Masjid AL Aqsa has a very special place in the hearts of the entire Muslim community . this mosque has a great importance in islam. Every muslim loves  AL Aqsa more than his life. due to its unique and rich history as a place of worship that is so closely intertwined with the lives of many of the Prophets of Islam, .Masjid al-Aqsa prominence in Islam is deeply rooted in the Night Journey, a miraculous event in the life of Prophet Muhammad. According to Islamic tradition, the Prophet was transported from Mecca to Jerusalem, where he led prayers with other prophets and ascended through the heavens. The mosque symbolizes a celestial connection, and its mention in the Quran adds to its sacred aura. After  makkah and madina masjid al aqsa is the third qibla for muslims.

The Night Journey Of Prophet Muhammad [s.a.w]

The journey of the Prophet Muhammad, known as the Night Journey and that journey of prophet muhammad had a great importance in the Islamic history of Masjid al-Aqsa. According to Islamic tradition, in the year 621 CE, the Prophet was transported from Mecca to Jerusalem on the winged horse Buraq. From the rock within the Al-Aqsa compound, he ascended through the heavens, meeting several prophets, including angels, and ultimately reaching the divine presence of Allah. So masjid al aqsa has ha great importance in islam. Allah has gifted five prayer to his prophet at that journey.

From prophet Adam <as> to prophet Muhammad[saw]

Al Masjid Al  Aqsa was the first  qibla in islam. It has given many importance and it is also the important place for worship for prophets. It was built 40 years after masji al haram. There are many fiddrent opinion among scholars to who built masjid al aqsa . Some scholar says  Adam<as> built masjid al aqsa and some scholars says prophet ibrahim <as> built . But this mosque was rebuilt many time 

Al Masjid Al Aqsa has a well known place of worship at the time of Prophet Ibrahim (as) and for his son Prophet Ishaq (as) and grandson Prophet Yaqub (as). When Prophet Yaqub’s son Prophet Yusuf (as) attained a position of power in Egypt, he asked his family to join him and escape the poverty that engulfed Palestine. Biblical sources claim this included his father Prophet Yaqub (as) and Prophet Yusuf’s siblings and their children [Book of Genesis], and that there were 33 in all (Allahu aalam). At this point, as there was no one left amongst Prophet Yaqub’s progeny to look after Al Masjid Al Aqsa (which at the time had the name of “Beteyel” or “House of God”), care for this blessed place was entrusted to the native population of the land (who were also followers of Prophet Ibrahim (as)), the Palestinians.


This mosque has a great importance in islam Because After makkah and madina Aqsa is the third AL _ Haram .Quran has mention AL_Aqsa 70  times .. AL_aqsa is mentioned 70 times in a quran .Allah has called it the blessed place in quran .Many prophets and shabas are buried  in Masjid AL Aqsa At the night of mahraaj prophet [saw] was taken to heaven through this mosque